Shoulder Instability/ Recurrent Dislocation
Shoulder Dislocation is a very common ailment. Shoulder joint is also prone for
recurrent dislocation. This means that once a shoulder dislocates it is prone to dislocate again. This is a difficult problem but it is treatable with a surgical procedure called
as arthroscopy surgery.
This video covers all the required information about the problem and solution of shoulder dislocation .
Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries in young athletes.
In indian scenarios they are also common in epeileptic patients and dancers .
Shoulder labral tears are of 3 types
Anterior labral tears
posterior labral tears
superior labral tears.
Arthroscopic Bone Block Surgery is done in those cases where there is a significant Bone loss or revision scenario. Advance Hospital is pioneer in treatment of Shoulder Instability and Bad cases of bone loss.
Best Surgery for Shoulder Dislocation. Best Shoulder Surgery to prevent Shoulder Dislocation.
Biceps Instability
Bankart With a Hill Sachs Lesion
Hill Sachs lesion - Unstable shoulder with anterio inferior subluxation
ALPSA repair video
A rare but important labral injury is seen in some conatct sports like cricket. It should always be kept in mind while assesing a cricket player with shoulder pain. the usual mechanism of injury is jerk to shoulder while batting or fielding.